Where we are…and where we’re headed.

Welp, I think this post is proof enough that maintaining a semi-regular photo blog has been about what could be handled through our last semester of seminary life. January-May have been challenging months, exciting months, and exhausting months. We’ve seen our birthdays come and go, snowfall and springtime in STL, and most recently: GRADUATION.

The grad and his girl.

This day was made all the more sweeter, humbling, and just a tad overwhelming knowing that as Luke crossed the stage to receive his diploma we knew what came next. A JOB. A real, honest-to-goodness-we’re-going-to-do-this job in Tucson, AZ.

That’s the Southwest y’all. A U.S. region new to us both, the land of forever summer (or so they tell me), and an incredibly exciting/daunting season of life before us. Luke as assistant pastor and I as…Joelle. For once in my life I’m so so so so so thankful to be moving with  ZERO job-strings attached. I’m free to embrace Tucson and our new church home simply as I am. A pastor’s wife yes…but first and foremost Joelle. More on that at a later date.

This summer will be a series of goodbyes to STL, a power roadtrip across the states (2 days or bust!), and settling into our new place. Until then here’s to a few more regular posts celebrating our STL home and family. And excitedly preparing us for this:

The Catalina Mountains.

The Catalina Mountains.

And this:

View of Tucson.

View of Tucson.

Suffice to say this Northwest girl is happy for some Tucson mountains at her disposal.